MDC Partners ernennt neuen Global Chief Marketing Officer

%%%MDC Partners ernennt neuen Global Chief Marketing Officer %%%

Ryan Linder grüßt als neuer weltweiter Marketing Officer von MDC Partners (Foto: MDC Partners)
Ryan Linder grüßt als neuer weltweiter Marketing Officer von MDC Partners (Foto: MDC Partners)

Die amerikanische Agentur-Holding MDC Partners, zu der Kreativ-Agenturen wie 72andSunny, Anomaly und Forsman & Bodenfors gehören, engagiert Ryan Linder als neuen Executive Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Director.

In seiner neuen Rolle wird Linder für die Marketing- und Business Entwicklung im gesamten MDC-Network verantwortlich sein sowie Mitglied des Teams für die weltweite Wachstums-Strategie. Er wird ein Strategic-Resource-Team leiten, das unter anderem aus Robyn Freye (Senior Vice President, Strategic Growth, USA), Lotta Malm Hallqvist (Chief Marketing Officer, Europa) und Ned Russell (Managing Director, Healthcare) besteht. Ryan Linder arbeitet seit sechs Jahren bei MDC, zuletzt als US Chief Marketing Officer.

"Ryan is a force of nature,"so Scott Kauffman, MDC Partners Chairman und CEO. "He has earned the respect of marketers and the trust of our agency partners through his unwavering dedication to creating game-changing relationships and purpose–built solutions that generate real results. He’s the person both brands and agencies want in their corner, and he has been instrumental in forging many of the most effective partner-client relationships across the MDC family."

Carl Johnson, Founding Partner & Global CEO of Anomaly: "Ryan is a rarity in his role – he listens more than he talks. That approach, which is closer to one of casting agent, means his focus is on truly matching agency skillsets, talent and culture with client needs. It’s the secret to his success…and why I like him." Anomaly hat sieben Büros weltweit und ist mit einem Büro in Berlin vertreten.

"Linder is hardcore. His dedication to doing right by both clients and agencies has earned our highest respect," so John Boiler, Creative Co-Chair und Founder, 72andSunny. "When it comes to spotting opportunity, he’s best in class. And when it comes to challenging both agencies and clients in service of a better result, he is fearless. The industry needs more Linders out there forging the relationships of our future." 72and Sunny hat fünf Büros weltweit und ist in Europa mit einem Büro in Amsterdam vertreten.

Linder über seine Beförderung: "In my six years at MDC, we’ve seen tremendous success building some of the most powerful purpose-built solutions for our clients. I’m thrilled to now step into a role where we have an opportunity to build on this globally, across Europe, Latin America and through our expanding footprint across Asia-Pacific. This is an exciting time for the industry, and clients are hungry for exactly the kind of solutions we create – surrounding their businesses and in-house teams with the thought leaders who are at the cutting edge of positive industry change and disruption."


(ms) 23.10.2018
